Software Testing / Software Quality Assurance (QA)
Software Testing over years moved from a low lying focus area to much more prominent position assisting in improving productivity, user experience and reducing overall costs.
Companies started realizing benefits of getting know to what is not working as expected as early as possible to reduce the waste - as a way of "Lean" ways of working or sometimes also referred as "moving to the left".
Quality of a Software Product is playing a significant role in the success of the overall Software Product uptake and enabling the confidence with the users.
A key question is - do Software Quality Assurance (QA) falls in the remit of Product Managers remit?
I would say - "Yes". A quality product deliverable is a major and key accountability of a Product Manager.
Said that, Organizationally the Software Testing or Software Quality Assurance need not be mapped to a specific Product Manager.
In the current ways of Agile ways of working and leveraging organizational resources in a productive way along with keeping a tab on Total Cost of Ownership - a Product Manager should be able to pull all the required resources - cross organizational - for the required period and release them when not-needed.